ON-Shore Application Development
When you need to not just win but dominate


From counter reverse engineering license control to 100,000 user web forums we have been in the trenches.


Have you presented an idea to a developer and was told 'thats too hard' or 'sounds uncodable'? Fire that developer.

Rapid Development

Higher the stress the situation the higher the satisfaction upon completion.

Web Security

Past experience in delievering zero day bullet proof hot swapped software.

About Rockstar Programmers

It can take years and many blown budgets to find a team of talented producers.

With the sub-conscious drive to win at every obscacle we face, we strive to exceed your expectations.

We understand that it is a 100,000:1 ratio of elite developers to people that can 'code'. Save your resources and talk to us.

Our Rockstar Team

The dynamic brothers & founders

Mark Snellman


Eric Snellman


Entrepreneurs: The only people who work 80 hour weeks to avoid working 40 hour weeks.

Contact Us

Feel free to email us to just say hello!
